NumHyp is a conference aiming to promote exchanges between mathematicians from different countries (Germany, Spain, France, Italy) on issues related to recent developments and new directions in the field of numerical methods for hyperbolic partial differential equations. These equations appear in a large number of models in science and engineering. Some of the best known examples are the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, shallow water equations, magnetohydrodynamic equations, multiphase fluid models, hyperbolic formulations of continuum mechanics, and even general relativity. Examples of application areas are aerodynamics, oceanography, plasma physics, solid mechanics, computational astrophysics, etc.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: April 30th 2023
Acceptance notification: May 15th 2023
Registration deadline:May 31th 2023
Practical informations
The conference will be held at the Amphi G - Bât A29 on the campus of Talence. You can find a plan of the campus on the Conference access section.
Eulerian and Lagrangian Structure-Preserving schemes for div-curl problems
Alina Chertock(NC State, United States)
Structure-Preserving Numerical Methods for Involution-Constrained PDEs
Armando Coco(University of Catania, Italy)
Immersed boundary methods for finite-difference gas dynamics with curved boundaries
Edwige Godlewski(Sorbonne University, France)
Some (now classical?) topics in the theoretical « NumHyp » world
Frédéric Lagoutière(University of Lyon, France)
Approximation of solutions to aggregation equations with pointy potentials
Tomás Morales de Luna(University of Málaga, Spain)
Adding complexity to shallow water models
Ilya Peshkov(University of Trento, Italy)
Symmetric hyperbolic relaxation class of equations for continuum physics
Laura Saavedra(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Invariant domain preserving ALE approximation of Euler equations
Bangwei She (Capital Normal University, China)
Convergence (rate) of a MAC scheme for compressible fluid flow
To register, you should first login, then a section appear in the main menu (left column).
After a first registration, you will get a notification.
After acceptance by the organizers, you will receive a second mail confirming the registration and giving the instructions for the payment. The registration fee cover the lunchs (not diner), the coffee breaks and the gala event.
for regular refgistration is 350€
for young researcher (PhD+3 years the 26th of June) is 150€
for invited speakers is free
The community of the GdR MathGéoPhy encourages applications from "young people" by providing grants to finance the missions of students enrolled in a French University.
To apply, please send :
a CV with a brief description of your work,
a letter of motivation detailing the contribution that NumHyp 2023 will contribute to your career
and an estimate of your transportation costs to reach the conference venue conference venue (Bordeaux), to the following link (please do not change the subject): Grant Application
Deadline: May 15, 2023
Applications will be evaluated by a MathGéoPhy committee.
To register, you should first login, then go the the "Submission" section in the main menu (left column).
In the submission, an abstract (max 2 pages) of your contribution will be ask.
Scientific committee
Emmanuel Audusse (Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France)
Christophe Berthon (Nantes University, France)
Michael Dumbser (University of Trento, Italy)
Enrique Fernandez Nieto (University of Sevilla, Spain)
Jan Giesselmann (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
Mária Lukácová-Medvidová (University of Mainz, Germany)
Pep Mulet (University of Valencia, Spain)
Sebastian Noelle (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Carlos Parés (University of Málaga, Spain)
Gabriella Puppo (University of La Sapienza, Italy)
Giovanni Russo (University of Catania, Italy)
Marie-Hélène Vignal (University of Toulouse, France)